Communication Ambassador Program
APPLICATIONS close 31st March each year
The ASM is looking for Communication Ambassadors to represent the society.
Communication Ambassadors will engage in science communication, promoting both the society and other microbiology-related content.
Why become a communications ambassador?
Increase and promote your professional profile and your work
Improve your network by engaging with fellow microbiologists both within and outside of the society
Boost the professional leadership and community engagement sections of your CV
What does a communications ambassador do?
Communication Ambassadors contribute to ASM’s communication channels by sharing content on ASM events, showcasing their work, and serving as a public advocates for microbiology.
What are the responsibilities of a communications ambassador?
Across the duration of this the 9-month program, you will:
Attend 4 communications meetings (30-60 mins each on zoom)
Complete at least 4 communications-related activities/tasks across the program such as:
Generating promotional content for the ASM conference
Ambassadors are strongly encouraged to attend the annual ASM meeting to document and promote the conference on social media
Planning the implementation of a task/activity to celebrate International Microorganism Day
Contribute at least one item of content for the ASM communications page
This could include a blog post on an area of science you are passionate about (e.g. women in STEM, mentoring, an area of research etc), an interview with a microbiologist, a video etc).
Past examples can be found here:
There is also the possibility of contributing to other science communication opportunities if they arise
APPLICATIONS (close 31 March each year)
Any questions regarding the program can be emailed to
To apply for the program, please click HERE to download the application form.
Submit your completed form to
You can view the work of our ASM Communication Ambassadors on our website, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter (@AUSSOCMIC).