Member Awards Overview
The ASM offers a variety of awards to its members including, at a national level, the prestigious Frank Fenner, Lyn Gilbert and Jim Pittard Awards and many more!
Available to teachers are the David White Excellence in Teaching Award, the Cheryl Power Early Career Microbiology Educator Award, USA Teachers’ Travel Award and the Teachers' Travel Award.
Students are encouraged to apply for awards such as the ASM Student Travel Awards which are selected by the Branches of the Society.
ASM Frank Fenner Award
"The purpose of this award is to recognise distinguished contributions in any area of Australian research in microbiology by scientists in a formative stage of their career, rather than to reward senior scientists for a lifetime of achievement."
Closing Date for applications: 31 March of any year.
ASM Lyn gilbert award
"The purpose of this award is to recognise major contributions in any area of diagnostic laboratory microbiology in Australia or internationally by ASM members/fellows."
Closing Date for applications: 31 March of any year.
asm david white excellence in teaching award
"Applications are invited for the David White Excellence in Teaching Award to recognise excellence in the teaching of, and/or innovation in the teaching of microbiology in Australia."
Closing Date for applications: 31 March in any year
asm jim pittard early career award
"The purpose of this award is to recognise distinguished contributions in any area of Australian research in microbiology by scientists in early stages of their career."
Closing Date for applications: 31 March in any year
asm cheryl power early career microbiology educator award
"The purpose of this award is to recognise excellence in the teaching of, and/or innovation in the teaching of microbiology in Australia by early career educators."
Closing Date for applications: 31 March in any year
ASM Distinguished Service Award
"The Distinguished Service Award recognises outstanding service of, or contributions by, individuals to the Society."
Closing Date for nominations: 31 March in any year
ASM Honorary Life Membership Award
"Honorary Life status is the highest membership recognition given by the Society and carries with it all the rights and privileges of a Member or Fellow together with exemption from payment of the annual membership subscription."
Closing date for nominations: 31 March in any year
ASM Teacher’s Travel Award
"The aim of this award is to encourage ASM members involved in teaching microbiology at the tertiary level to attend the annual scientific meeting of the Australian Society for Microbiology and EduCon."
Closing date for applications: 31 March of any year
Applications are invited from the Australian Society for Microbiology for the ASM Student & ECR International Travel Award. This award enables up to two PhD students and up to two Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from the ASM to attend an international Microbiology meeting and combine this with a visit to a research laboratory.
Closing date for applications: 31 March of any year
ASM Nancy millis Student Travel Awards
This award provides the opportunity for one student member from each ASM State Branch to attend and give an oral presentation at the ASM Annual Scientific Meeting.
All postgraduate microbiology students who have submitted or are intending to submit an abstract for the ASM Annual Scientific Meeting are invited to apply - especially those in the final year of their higher degree program.
Closing date for applications: As advised by your State Branch
ASM Clinical Microbiology Travel Award
"The aim of this award is to encourage ASM members involved in involved in working in the field of clinical microbiology to attend the annual scientific meeting of the Australian Society for Microbiology and CliniCon. "
Closing date for applications: 31 March of any year
ASM USA Teacher’s travel Award
"The aim of this award is to enable attendance at the American Society of Microbiology Conference for undergraduate educators, known as ASMCUE."
Closing date for applications: 31 March of any year
ASM Industry Engagement Award
The purpose of this award is to recognise outstanding contributions by early to mid-career microbiologists actively working with or in industry in the field of microbiology.
Closing date for applications: 31 March of any year
This award provides the opportunity for one ECR member from each ASM State Branch to attend and give an oral presentation at the ASM Annual Scientific Meeting.
Closing date for applications: As advised by your State Branch
ASM communications AWARD
Awarded annually to recognise contributions in communications and engagement in the field of microbiology.
Closing date for applications: 31 March of any year