The main purposes of the Medical Mycology SIG are:

  • To provide a forum for all aspects of Medical Mycology, including nomenclatural changes of fungi, diagnosis, and molecular epidemiology of the agents of human and animal mycoses, understanding fungal pathogenicity/virulence, and mycology culture collections/biobanks and associate databases, and

  • To enable collaborations between researchers, clinicians, and diagnostic laboratory staff.


Medical Mycology is the new kid on the blog, with a stately increasing number of mycoses and emerging new pathogenic fungi, this field has gained recently global interest. The Medical Mycology SIG is as such the platform for:

  • Clinicians treating patients with fungal infections

  • Laboratory personal, which is developing methods for and conducting the diagnosis of those fungal infections

  • Researchers who do study the agents of human and animal mycosis



The Medical Mycology SIG is one of the oldest SIG of ASM, and has close collaborations with the Australian New Zealand Mycological Interest Group (ANZMIG) of the Australian Society or infectious Diseases (ASID) (https://asid.net.au/special-interest-groups), FungiSphere as Note of the Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute (https://www.sydney.edu.au/infectious-diseases-institute/our-research/research-nodes/fungisphere.html), and the Australasian Mycological Society (AMS) (https://www.australasianmycologicalsociety.com), the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM (https://www.isham.org/), and the International Mycological Association (IMA) (http://www.ima-mycology.org/).





  • Nomenclatural changes of human and animal pathogenic fungi

  • Diagnosis of the agents of human and animal mycoses

  • Molecular epidemiology of the agents of human and animal mycoses

  • Fungal pathogenicity/virulence

  • Mycology culture collections/biobanks and associate databases



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