Join ASM in endorsing the microbiologists' warning


ASM endorses the recent consensus statement signed by 30 scientists that documents the role and global importance of microbes in climate change biology, and calls for their immediate inclusion into research, technology development, and policy and management decisions.

  1. Read the editorial “Harness microbes for humanity’s future" in Nature Review Microbiology.

  2. Read the entire article published in Nature Reviews Microbiology entitled “Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: microorganisms and climate change”.

  3. Sign your support as a microbiologist:

The ability of science and society to address climate change will be considerably empowered by microbiologists, by agencies demonstrably incorporating microorganisms into their ‘thinking’, and by broadly enhancing microbial literacy in society.

We encourage you to share this statement and write additional articles on microbes and climate change as they relate to your area of expertise.